- NDT SERVICE CSM, which is necessary to ensure the health and safety of its employees to be taken, the necessary tools to ensure that these operations as a thorough adopting the Occupational Health and Safety, in principle, to keep a target of "safety first" principle, believing approaching. To apply this principle in their work of all employees shall strictly abide by the rules governing occupational health and safety. Because there is no work, endanger the health and safety of our employees can not as urgent and important.
- CSM NDT SERVICE in our country or working in countries all Occupational Health and Safety regulations in force (law, decree-laws, rules and regulations), international agreements, signed the contract, and is committed to comply with the specifications.
- CSM NDT SERVICE; preventing accidents which might occur during the activities to minimize the likelihood of accidents and occupational diseases at source to avoid is considered to be the primary goal to strive indispensable.
- CSM NDT SERVİCE; OHS activities continues to work continuously make improvements in all processes, so that will reduce to minimum the dangers.